CatalyseTech 2022 Karnataka
Have a tech idea or solution in renewable and clean energy that can catalyse sustainable development for a community?
GCoE-ACE at IIT Dharwad with SELCO Foundation have partnered with industry leaders and like minded supporters for a CatalyseTech challenge with the aim to engage and inspire innovators and entrepreneurs who are working on social problems and aiming to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through their solutions in renewable and clean energy.
The challenge aims to identify and invite innovators and enterprises on ideas and solutions in affordable and clean energy. We are looking for individuals and groups with the potential to improve essential services in livelihoods, health, education, and well-being. It’s a great opportunity for innovators and entrepreneurs who would like to diversify their portfolios with innovative models and solutions to amplify impact.


  • A total sum of INR 3 crores as implementation monies for deserving 15-20 enterprises that can create maximum impact on ground.
  • The final selection will be made by a set of jury selected by GCEO-ACE and SELCO Foundation


  • Any Individual with an innovative idea to catalyse Sustainable Development Goals, especially, SDG-7 on the Affordable and Clean Energy
  • Entrepreneurs and enterprises offering technology, services and solutions for livelihoods in grassroots communities



An initiative by IIT-Dharwad, Global Centre of Excellence in Affordable and Clean Energy (GCOE-ACE) was started to facilitate change and development through renewable energy. It aims to create a platform to design and engineer affordable, energy-efficient, and renewable energy-powered products to enhance livelihoods for the underserved.

It will provide access to research and development laboratory and other high-end equipment and mentorship for incubatees that have innovative ideas that impact the population positively.

It is also the grassroots implementation partner for SELCO Foundation’s projects in North Karnataka. Supported by Honeywell, GCoE-ACE also acknowledges support, guidance, and encouragement from the Office of the Principal Scientific Advisor, Government of India.


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