Beyond the Sugar-Coated Surface

Beyond the Sugar-Coated Surface

What is the human cost behind our bowl of sugar?

India is the second largest producer of sugarcane in the world, and around 50 million farmers are directly dependent on sugarcane processing. Yet there is no smooth system to operate this massive industry, which lacks mechanisation and proves to be an extremely taxing profession both physically and economically to farmers.

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"I have a burning sensation in my hand every time I eat food due to the cuts on my palm from using the rope and stick to maneuver my ox. "

The process of cultivating and harvesting sugarcane requires patience not just in terms of time but also in terms of human costs. There is bound to be cuts in the hands of workers ploughing the field and joint pains for workers who remove weed.

“I do deweeding for all types of plants including Sugarcane and paddy. I have been practicing deweeding from many years. We face knee pain, shoulder pains and hip pain because we have to always bend while doing deweeding.”

The profession is not friendly to women. The physical work is gregarious and there remains scarcity of labour.

Problem Statement:

Problem Statement:

How might we address extreme labour conditions from land preparation to harvesting in sugarcane cultivation?

Lack of access to efficient machines

Slow process

Machines suitable for different terrains

Manual toil

- Lets Discuss -

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690, 15th Cross Rd, Jeewan Griha Colony,
2nd Phase, J.P. Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560078