

Bending metals, but not challenges

Blacksmithery in India is a small scale industry, often operated in villages with mostly farmers and livestock rearers as customers of the blacksmiths. This is mainly because blacksmiths of today mostly forge and repair tools in the agriculture industry.

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Blacksmithery is a seasonal occupation, with demand being highest before monsoon and at other times blacksmiths being left without work for months at a stretch.

Blacksmithery also tends to be a migratory occupation, and blacksmiths have to travel around for about 6 months a year. Blacksmithery is usually a skill passed down from generation to generation, with children often helping their parents.

Working conditions are extremely hazardous for health, causing lung diseases, skin problems, lack of motor function in arms, and more.

Blacksmiths do not have any formal training, and end up having to put in a high amount of physical labour. There is not much scope for them to pursue other professions when they get older as they start young and do not usually have the opportunities to build other skills.

Problem Statement:

Problem Statement:

How might we improve the working conditions of blacksmiths, as well as increase profitability in their profession to make it a viable source of income?

Seasonal jobs

Lack of formal training

Hazardous working conditions

Limited skills

- Lets Discuss -

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SELCO Foundation
690, 15th Cross Rd, Jeewan Griha Colony,
2nd Phase, J.P. Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560078