Khoya Making
The bitter tale of our sweets
It is estimated that by 2022, 10 million tonnes of milk will go into making khoya. An industry that is priced at 48,000 crores INR has yet to have an intervention which looks into the wellbeing of the workers or lessens their drudgery. A chain of many nano and micro units actually make up the supply chain of this massive revenue earning product.
“I have been working in this khoya making unit for the past four years now. 2 to 3 times in a week, I take painkillers for the consistent pain in my shoulder and upper back.”
Maneuvering large containers causes back problems for many workers. Boiling the milk takes 2-2.5 hours, and then there are problems regarding the low shelf life of khoya, as well as possibility of contamination while the khoya is left open to cool.
“Even if a drop of milk splashes on our hands or face, it can cause a burn.”
The risks do not end at body aches and pains, but go on to burns as well, not to mention the enormous amount of time consumed in the process.

Problem Statement:

How might we reduce the risks of body ache and burns from khoya making, as well as improve the fuel efficiency in the micro units and the hygiene of the containers used?